Ervin case study transportation page


For more than 100 years Gföllner have been moving people, goods and even themselves. Through four moving generations, they developed from a blacksmith and cartwright to the first horse-drawn wagon with pneumatic tyres, to a leading company whose competence and knowledge are recognised worldwide.

Preparation is especially important here. With the AMAGRIT, quality and effectiveness one step are brought to the forefront.

Christian Süß
Master Painter at Gföllner


As a manufacturer of complex container structures for use in some arduous environmental conditions, surface preparation and corrosion protection is key to the success of Gföllner. Increasingly large internal areas were required to be air blasted and high levels of dust were becoming an issue. These high dust levels interfered with workers ability to perform their roles, and created considerable hazardous waste. There were also multiple abrasive references used on site, which brought its own stock management challenges.

  • Reduced dust
  • Improve working environment
  • Standardise abrasive references


Anyone who pays attention only to the tonnage price makes a big mistake. We are now working with the new Ervin blasting material significantly more economically

Michael Stipkovits
Purchasing Manager at Gföllner

A testing period in an air operated test machine at Ervin’s stainless plant in Sprockhövel, allowed both companies to determine the ideal abrasive. It became clear that AMAGRIT met all surface quality requirements, for all processes, giving a huge reduction in dust compared to mineral abrasives.

    An angular martensitic stainless steel material


Better environment for the blaster leads to increased productivity and lower waste levels. Required surface profiles and cleanliness were maintained.

  • Reduction of dust level compared to mineral abrasives
  • Lower waste
  • Increased productivity

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Ervin Ervin The World Standard for Quality
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